Born in 1987, with a Bachelor’s in Business and Economics, Elisa Lanciotti works for the footwear company owned by her family, Calzaturificio Lanza in Montegranaro (FM), managing sales in foreign markets. Elected during the 34th National Conference of Confindustria Youths in Capri, she will hold office for the four-year period from 2019-2023.

When you first took office, you mentioned innovation, cohesion, and training as the main points of your program. How do you intend to develop these themes?

“The Italian industrial fabric is made up by 92% SMEs. More specifically, small and medium-sized footwear entrepreneurs, often because of the absence of a managerial figure supporting them, or because of an overwhelming number of previous commitments needing to be fulfilled in the day-to-day running of the company, cannot always dedicate the right amount of time to renewal processes. The team of Assocalzaturifici youths does its best to incentivise these activities, offering training programs in innovation, productive efficiency and digital tools, which are scheduled and distributed over the arc of 2020. We believe that an entrepreneur who is well-prepared and always looking to improve is essential for the growth and success of the company on the market. For cohesion, instead, we mean the increasing involvement of young entrepreneurs (also from related sectors) in seminaries and associative meetings, allowing experiences, ideas, and thoughts to be shared, while reinforcing interper
sonal relations and creating business”.

You are taking over from Charlotta Bachini: what are the initiatives promoted by the Past President, which you intend to continue to work on?

“I highly admire Charlotta Bachini, who has brought new ideas to the Association. Along with my team, I intend to move forward with all of her initiatives, starting from the theme of the generational changeover that is especially relevant and important to us, and continuing with master classes dedicated to the digital world, and marketing that is in constant evolution”.

As an entrepreneur, which challenges have you had to face and which experiences can you bring to the Assocalzaturifici Youth Group?

“As a businesswoman I face challenges on a daily basis, just like all other entrepreneurs in the sector. The current economic situation, especially with regards to manufacturing, is allowing many problems and critical issues to surface. Competitiveness, productive efficiency, sustainability, and reactivity on the market are all points where I will insist there be further discussion”.

As a “Junior” of Assocalzaturifici what do you feel you can contribute to the “Seniors” of the association?

“I believe the seniors are the ones who can contribute something to us. The experience of a senior is undoubtedly one of the greatest treasures we can use to guide us. From the other end, us juniors can transmit our determination, desire to do well, preparation arising from present-day times, and focus on new frontiers and non-traditional channels. It will be an interesting exchange of ideas”.