With a growth over the last ten years (2008-2018) in both quantities (58%) and values (85%), and the gradual elimination of duties in the years to come, exports towards Mercosur will experience a new uptrend.

“The trade agreement with Mercosur is an extremely positive result for the Italian footwear manufacturing industry, which for years, has made it a priority in Brussels – commented the new President of Assocalzaturifici, Siro Badon. – I would like to thank those who over the years have represented us in this long and difficult negotiation. In particular, the CEC – the European Confederation of Footwear Industry – and the previous Presidents of Assocalzaturifici, who in recent years, have been fully committed to achieving this goal, as seen by the desk set up in Brussels for more closely following the negotiations and last, but not least, Confindustria Moda for having seen to the interests of the many industrial subjects involved”.