The Moda Italiana@Almaty fair ended on October 5, 2022, at the prestigious Dom Priemov exhibition venue in Almaty, registering a significant growth in the number of operators, amounting to +30%. More than 60 brands participated in the event, a growing number thanks to a consolidation that took place with the investments made in these years of post-pandemic recovery by Assocalzaturifici, organizer of the event in partnership with EMI (Ente Moda Italia) and in collaboration with the other clothing and accessories sector associations of Confindustria Moda AIP, Associazione Italiana Pellicceria and Assopellettieri, traditional institutional partners. Particularly lively was the influx of professionals from Uzbekistan, and a particular interest was shown in the total look segment and in the expansion of the offer dedicated to the best of Made in Italy. "The outcome of the fair," said Giovanna Ceolini, president of Assocalzaturifici, "places us under the best auspices for the next edition scheduled for March 2023. Central Asian markets are increasingly strategic for our SMEs in the footwear, leather goods, apparel and accessories sectors. All the more so in this particular historical moment where, multiple causes, from the conflict in Russia to the expensive energy and raw materials, make it important to diversify and penetrate different and emerging markets. I recall that Kazakhstan represents an important market for our footwear production, positioning itself as an important regional hub also in light of the current international conjuncture."
We would like to undeline that the export to Kazakhstan in the first 6 months of the year grew by +44.4 percent in quantity and +51.7 percent in value compared to the same period in 2021, with a total of 156 thousand pairs sold and a value of 11.4 million euros (average price of 72.88 euros/pair). Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan together recorded over 15 million euros in exports in the first half of 2022.