The digital transformation of services and commercial relations that represented a moment of growth during the difficult days of lockdown, now opens up new opportunities for MICAM people to stay connected with their community and continue to do business also outside of the physical fair – confirmed from 20 to 23 September 2020 – 365 days a year.

This is all thanks to the MICAM Milano Digital Show platform, a new revolutionary, digital-based environment created to also support online the promotion and business of companies, thanks to the partnership with NuORDER, a world leader in the field of e-commerce for B2B sales, which connects over 2000 brands and 500,000 buyers, helping them grow together.

While awaiting the start of the physical event, a survey conducted by Assocalzaturifici already has 64% of all buyers expressing their desire to participate, while over 50% plan to spend two or more days at the fair to meet exhibitors and draw new inspiration from seminars on themes of particular relevance today. “We are focusing in particular on MICAM Milano and the acceleration of its digital b2b channels, which support companies in the shift toward more efficient management of their customer portfolio while broadening their horizons for acquiring new customers all over the world. – declares Assocalzaturifici Chair Siro Badon – This is why we and our partner NuORDER have created the MICAM Milano Digital Show”.

What will be the main features of the platform? Tommaso Cancellara, CEO of MICAM, explains them to us: ““Global scope, innovation and networking characterise MICAM Milano Digital Show, anticipating the events to be held during the trade fair and continuing to offer the opportunities it provides after the physical trade fair is over. Buyers will be able to benefit from the potential contacts already present in the NuORDER platform, whose community is made up of 500,000 retailers, and acquire new tools for sales in the digital world. Our goal is to have two physical events per year (or 4 if you consider MICAM Americas) with a digital presence 365 days of the year. MICAM will be in very good company, continuing its strategic partnership with Informa Group to allow buyers to find on the platform not only MICAM Milano and MICAM Americas, but also the American fairs Magic, Project, and Coterie, creating a virtual portfolio of the most important fairs in the fashion business.”

NuORDER expresses its satisfaction in collaborating with the worldwide leading event for the footwear industry, by supporting the fair on a digital level: “MICAM responded quickly to address the needs of the industry to ensure the critical connection between brands and retailers. – says Heath Wells, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of NuORDER – NuORDER’s leading platform allows for end-to-end connection, from product searches to order placement, all in the same system. Our partnership marks a defining moment in the industry solving real customer needs at a critical time. This is the beginning of a new era for fashion markets and the standard for product searches and commerce moving forward.”

Siro Badon

Ma quali saranno i contenuti della piattaforma? Ce lo spiega Tommaso Cancellara, Ad di MICAM: “Internazionalità, innovazione e network caratterizzano MICAM Milano Digital Show, una realtà che anticiperà gli incontri della manifestazione e ne proseguirà le opportunità anche quando la fiera fisica sarà terminata. I buyer potranno beneficiare dei potenziali contatti già presenti nella piattaforma NuORDER, la cui community è composta da 500.000 retailer e acquisire nuove competenze per le proprie attività di vendita nel mondo digitale. Il nostro obiettivo è di arrivare ad avere due appuntamenti fisici all’anno (o 4 se si considera MICAM Americas) e 365 giorni di presenza digitale. MICAM sarà in ottima compagnia in quanto, proseguendo con la partnership strategica con il Gruppo Informa, il buyer troverà sulla piattaforma oltre a MICAM Milano e MICAM Americas anche le fiere americane Magic, Project, Coterie, creando un polo virtuale delle più importanti fiere al mondo del fashion business”.

Tommaso Cancellara

NuORDER manifesta la soddisfazione di collaborare con il leader mondiale del settore calzaturiero, supportando la fiera a livello digitale: “MICAM ha reagito prontamente per rispondere alle esigenze del settore, al fine di garantire la connessione fondamentale tra brand e rivenditori. – dichiara Heath Wells, co-fondatore e Co_CEO di NuORDER – La piattaforma leader NuORDER assicura un contatto end-to-end, dalla ricerca dei prodotti al piazzamento dell’ordine, tutto tramite lo stesso sistema. La partnership segna un momento decisivo per il settore, perché assicura una risposta ai bisogni del cliente in un periodo molto critico. Questo segna l’inizio di una nuova era per il futuro del mercato della moda, per gli standard della ricerca dei prodotti e del commercio.”