manolo-wallace4manolo-marie-antoniettaEvery room tackles a different theme that brings the history of art together with the history of costume. For example, the beautiful “sugary” shoes designed by Blahnik for the Marie Antoinette of Sofia Coppola find room next to Boucher’s Pompadour and Fragonard’s The Swing. Other pairings include the liaison between the footwear of the legendary Spanish stylist and the works of Rembrandt, Tiziano, Rubens, Vélasquez, and Canaletto… “The Wallace Collection is one of my favourite museums with the most refined selection of art – declares Manolo Blahnik in a note – I am honoured to be a part of the project and have my work displayed at the museum”. Xavier Bay, director of the Wallace Collection, echoes this sentiment: “This is an incredibly exciting opportunity to showcase the way in which the Wallace Collection has inspired one of the world’s greatest fashion minds”.

The exhibition will run from 10 June to 1 September.