
Star of the collection is the Aztrec sneaker with oversize sole and the iconic Freestyle Hi. The shoe is inspired by Gigi’s background as a volleyball player, and unlike most “dad shoes” , is very comfortable for playing sports: “It’s a shoe that can support your foot and can even be worn while playing – degigi-hadid-reebok-productclares Gigi Hadid to the American press – It is not like most dad shoes, which are very expensive and can’t even be used at the gym!”

The style of Aztrec is practical just like the rest of the collection. “It’s the way I like to feel when I go to the gym: a pair of leggings, comfortable shoes, a sports bra and a t-shirt – comments Gigi – Paparazzi and journalists are the ones who transformed all this into ‘athleisure street-style star’. For me, it was simply the most comfortable outfit for going to the gym… and the new Gigi Hadid line for Reebok is inspired by this mood”.